Discover the fascinating link between emotions, stress, and skin health. Learn how Taoist practices can help manage emotional energies to enhance skin radiance, prevent aging, and improve overall...

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids may hold keys to reducing cancer risk. Learn about the research behind these essential nutrients and how they might protect against certain cancers.

Hurricanes displace millions annually, with long-term health and mental health effects often overlooked. Vulnerable groups face greater risks, but smarter policies could provide a stronger...

Preventing weeds in concrete cracks naturally is easier than you think! Discover eco-friendly solutions like boiling water, vinegar, baking soda, and salt to keep weeds at bay without harmful...

Explore the compelling evidence that prayer and energy can dramatically influence healing processes. This article delves into personal anecdotes and theoretical insights demonstrating how...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Olfactory loss and inflammation connect to 139 health conditions, suggesting that smell loss might serve as an early warning for diseases, including Alzheimer’s and heart conditions. Discover how...

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Joyce & Barry Vissell
For almost every couple, the thought of bringing a child into this world triggers a whole range of emotions. There can be a tremendous thrill of joy, and many couples are aware of this; but all too of...
We want to wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving. This year, with all that is happening in our country, it seems more important than ever to take a break from the news and focus on gratitude and loving.
If we only knew how many times we are rescued by divine intervention, we would completely trust this higher power. There would then be nothing to worry about – ever! Joyce and I had yet another powerf...
Everyone wants to stay in love, so why do some relationships make it, while others don’t? Why does the love in some relationships flourish, while getting buried in others? What are the secrets of a he...
In a court of law, if both partners of a married couple claim they have irreconcilable differences, the court will grant them a legal divorce... Joyce and I, having worked with thousands of couples ov...