Image by zhi wei yu 

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self

We are affected by everything around us (and inside of us), just as we also affect those things and people around us. The world can sometimes seem to be like a whirlwind and we often seem like we're getting caught up in the storm. Yet, we can find ways to reconnect with our inner self, our center, and ground our energies with the earth so we don't get carried away in the whirlwind of energies and emotions that may be swirling all around us.

Sometimes that requires just going off by ourself to be in a quiet space... even if that's just a room in your house (though outside in nature is best). Choose well what you participate in, who (and what) you connect with, and how you spend your time and energy. When you are well grounded in nature, in silence, and in inner peace, the world can be exploding around you and you will still retain your center, and thus be able to deal with the challenges in a more balanced and peaceful manner.

The world is changing, and so are we. And we get to choose in which direction the changes go. So let's choose well, choose consciously, and choose with a vision on a better and loving future for ourselves and for everyone that will come after us. 

Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell,
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

NEW ARTICLES OF THE WEEKwoman on a swing, happily swinging through the air. at sunset
Five Easy Ways to Increase the Joy in Your Life


This Week's Astrological Overview

♥ Your InnerSelf To Do List 

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