Giza pyramid and Cheops with a stellar background
Image by beate bachmann

In this Article:

  • How did ancient civilizations like Sumer and Egypt rise so suddenly?
  • Is there evidence of lost advanced civilizations in our history?
  • What role do astrological alignments and extraterrestrial encounters play in ancient human history?
  • What are the unexplained mysteries of the Nazca lines and Sumerian tablets?
  • Could we have lost crucial knowledge about our past and its significance for the future?

How Our Forgotten Earth History Can Affect Our Future

by Lisa Fazio.

In order for us to understand what is happening now and what will happen in the future, it is essential that we know the past. We have to understand what happened before, combined with what is now so we can know what will happen.

As humans we have to know our history because we have to know how we got into our present predicament in order to get out of it. We are told that it all began in 3800 BCE in Sumeria, and that nothing came before that except hairy barbarians. We assume we are the greatest thing that ever lived on this planet. In fact, there have been civilizations so far ahead of us that we can’t even imagine them.

Star Trek: Errand of Mercy

For all you Trekkies, you may recall from the original series, an episode called “Errand of Mercy”. From we find the following storyline:

War! The Klingons and the Federation are poised on the brink, and then war is declared. Kirk and Spock visit the planet Organia. Organia, inhabited by simple pastoral folk, lies on a tactical corridor likely to be important in the coming conflict. Whichever side controls the planet has a significant advantage. But the Organians are a perplexing people, apparently unconcerned by the threat of the Klingon occupation or even the deaths of others in their community. Finally, Kirk and the Klingon commander Kor learn why, and the reason will change Federation/Klingon relations for decades to come.

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Ayelborne, the head of the local council, along with fellow council members reveal their true nature beings of pure energy as they all disappear into a ball of light. Both sides are instantly incapacitated, forcing them to agree to a cessation of hostilities.

Mr. Spock summed it all up quite succinctly with the following remark, “I should say the Organians are as far above us on the evolutionary scale, as we are above the amoeba.”

Almost all the evidence from past advanced civilizations has been put out of context or ignored. For instance, we have a connection with the star Sirius about which little is known but which is essential to understanding our present plight. Robert Temple’s book The Sirius Mystery presents the following:

There is a tribe near Timbuktu in Africa called the Dogon. For more than seven hundred years this group has had information that presumably it cannot have—information that our scientists have only known recently.

The Dogon know about the star Sirius in detail. Sirius is the brightest star in our sky, situated to the left and straight down from the belt of Orion. The Dogon told researchers decades ago that there is another tiny star rotating around Sirius and made of the heaviest matter in the universe. This star was said to complete its rotation once every fifty years. It is a very old star.

We didn’t begin to know of this until 1844 when a German astronomer named Friedrich Bessel first discovered it. We first saw it through our telescopes in 1862. Like the one in Dogon “myth,” it is very old. The orbit of the star was calculated to be 50.1 years. This star was named Sirius B, and the original Sirius renamed Sirius A.

When a team of scientists visited the Dogon tribe to determine how they knew about this, the elders said that a flying saucer landed. Beings emerged and made a large hole in the ground which they filled with water. The occupants, who looked like dolphins, jumped into the lake they had made then came up to shore and talked to the Dogon people, telling them that they were from Sirius and relating many Sirian stories.

The Dogon had an even more incredible bit of information. They had a visual image of the movement of Sirius A and Sirius B from Earth for the time period between 1912 and 1990, culminating in an exact image of where these stars would be at this time. They also had a great deal of information about the planets in our solar system, including various moons. How did they know or imagine this so specifically?

The Uros Indians, who predate the Incas and who live on artificial floating islands in Lake Titicaca, have a similar story. It all began, they say, when a flying saucer came out of the sky at Lake Titicaca and landed on the Island of the Sun. And according to them, there was a great deluge that left the entire Earth submerged. There was a sacred rock on the Island of the Sun, which was the first tip that broke out of the water. It was there that a man named Chiquetet Arlich Vomalites along with several Atlantians, landed and began the Inca race. Their original story tells of earlier encounters with Dolphin-like beings who came in a flying saucer, landed on the Island of the Sun and began to communicate with the locals.

A Missing Part of the Human Story

Could it be that we’ve been missing a huge part of the human story—like we’ve developed a rather severe case of dementia, and we’ve somehow lost the record of our true history, going back many thousands of years? What if we could go back into that dark epoch, what would we discover about ourselves?

So, we’re looking at the evidence of a technology that we don’t understand, that like the Giza monuments, also incorporates extremely precise astrological alignments.

And what about the Nazca lines in Peru? Covering more than two hundred square miles, a bewildering pattern of gigantic artwork litters the Nazca plateau. In addition to figures of birds, spiders and animals, straight lines stretch out in all directions. Believed to have been laid down here more than two thousand years ago, what was their purpose? Observable only from the air, is this a canvass of signs and symbols etched in the sand to honor pagan gods, or is it a set of messages aimed at travelers from the stars?

The Origins of Civilization As We Know It?

Archeologists have often pondered on the exact process which led to civilization as we know it. For it was with the suddenness of a sunrise that human ingenuity and engineering skills arose from the Stone Age and burst forth onto the landscape of history. The Sumerian civilization seemed to arise overnight with no evolution at all. The same is true for Egypt. Egyptian writing appeared one day in its most developed form and went downhill after that.

All the ancient civilizations—Sumer, Babylonia, Egypt, and so on—developed quickly and went downhill immediately.

In the ruins of Sumerian cities archaeologists have found tablets that depict the solar system, listing the planets in their correct order. One even gives the distances between the planets. How did anyone know this? The ancient tablets also provide detailed records concerning the precession of the equinoxes.

It has been calculated that the only way to discover the precession of the equinoxes is from observation, and that the minimum time of watching the night sky would have to have been 2,160 years. How did the Sumerians have this information, when, according to our way of thinking, there was no advanced civilization 2,160 years before them?

Perhaps this was all the work of hairy barbarians. If so, those guys sure had more on the ball than we’ve given them credit for!

©2024 Healing Arts Press. Printed with permission
from the publisher Inner Traditions International.

Article Source: Della Medicina

Della Medicina: The Tradition of Italian-American Folk Healing
by Lisa Fazio.

book cover of Della Medicina: The Tradition of Italian-American Folk Healing by Lisa Fazio.Building upon the in-depth folk wisdom she learned from her immigrant grandparents as well as from local healers in Southern Italy, second-generation Italian-American and experienced herbalist Lisa Fazio shares herbal traditions and practices from the Italian diaspora and reveals how working with traditional plant medicines can help us connect to ancestral traditions for deep inner healing.

Sharing valuable and nearly forgotten teachings from the Southern Italian herbal tradition, the author also shows how her journey to reconnect with her family’s healing practices offers guidance for anyone seeking to reconnect with their ancestors.

Click here for more info and/or to order this paperback book. Also available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo of Lisa FazioLisa Fazio is a clinical herbalist, plant spirit medicine practitioner, flower essence practitioner, and the founder of “The Root Circle,” a plant medicine educational center. Trained in traditional Western herbalism, Western astrology, and the folk ways of her Italian immigrant family, she has apprenticed with herbalists Kate Gilday, Matthew Wood, and Pam Montgomery. She has an academic background in psychology and ethnobotany and has also done master’s level studies in chemistry, botany, and environmental history.

Article Recap:

The article examines the forgotten aspects of ancient human history, including advanced civilizations, extraterrestrial encounters, and technologies that challenge our understanding of the past. It questions the accepted origins of human civilizations, such as Sumer and Egypt, and explores how these societies may have had knowledge far beyond what we’ve recognized. By looking at archeological mysteries like the Nazca lines and Sumerian tablets, it suggests that humanity's story is more complex and ancient than previously thought.