We know that things are constantly changing and evolving, however we may have assumed that certain things were impossible. Some of these things are vital if the human race is to...
The true signs of realism are not contempt, but respect; not bitterness, but appreciation; not ruthless ambition, but kindness and compassion.
Ironically, over time, the more we "do," the less we achieve. All that effort takes its toll on our physical, mental, and emotional health.
We all have a source of inner wisdom. It is known by many names. It may be referred to as the...
As humans, we may have a tendency to discount what we are not familiar with. We don't "believe" or trust certain things because we...
If we're wondering if a particular thing we said or did was "good", we can tune in to our own self and see how we feel about it.
We typically think of addictions as relating to food, drugs and alcohol. However, addictions are in many aspects of our behavior...
We're all familiar with the Golden Rule: "“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." And then also...
The focus on creating a loving relationship is usually external -- we focus on finding the perfect "other", soul mate, or life partner.
When we are living with respect and goodness, we are on the right path -- and we feel good.
Our body speaks to us in many ways. We're all familiar with the stomach grumbling indicating it wants food, or dryness of mouth...
The real question is not 'How did it turn out?' The question is, 'What happened to your spirit as you journeyed?'
Every day, and actually every moment, we choose what energy we radiate, what energy we nurture in our heart.
We all feel it. Something unique is happening. Everything seems to be changing, and so quickly! The very nature of our thoughts and our established reactions to things seem suddenly so different.
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Our culture has relegated aging to the closet. It is not something to be discussed, or even done, as if that is at all possible...
It is said that when someone asked Socrates what country he was from, his response was "of the world".
People often confuse a strong ego with high self-esteem. However, one does not necessarily lead to the other.
Opening up our sense ability allows us to tune in to the needs of others, and to empathize and work with them rather than against them. This is our goal...
Sometimes our conscious intention is overshadowed by our unconscious desires. Because I believe that we do...
In the 17th century, the French philosopher René Descartes came up with the "explanation for it all": I think, therefore I am...
As humans we either seem to be moving towards something, or away from something else. This is our go-go-go mentality to get things done or attain goals.
We must be aware of what it is we're really asking for, whether consciously or unconsciously. The stakes are very high and we hold the key.
Anger is a human emotion, and we've all experienced anger at some point. But there are two types of anger...