The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

By practicing conscious breathing, you can align with your body’s natural rhythm and release stored tension. Learn how curved breathing and sound can open pathways to deep relaxation and emotional...

This weekly astrological overview is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as...

Research reveals that eye contact with your dog forms a human-dog brain connection through a phenomenon called neural coupling. This synchronisation of brain signals deepens the bond and...

Running effective workplace meetings requires clear objectives, defined roles, and streamlined agendas. Learn productive meetings strategy to reduce time-wasting and maximize productivity. From...

  The 2024 U.S. election isn't just a choice between political figures—it's a decisive moment for the future of democracy. With the possibility of autocratic forces rising and democratic...

Taking personal responsibility can significantly improve your life, but it also comes with challenges. In this article, we explore the pros and cons of stepping up to own your thoughts, feelings,...

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Barbara Jaffe
I wrote about my difficulties, my challenges, my full and often overwhelming life as a wife, mother, daughter, and full-time professor with hours of evening paperwork. All of these roles took huge chu...
How is it possible that it is already December when it was just yesterday that we were clicking our respective crystal glasses of champagne to toast in 2017?
The month of Thanksgiving as well as the specific holiday are my most favorite times of the year. I am thankful that I can take the time to appreciate what I never take for granted.
I enjoy varying my choice of clothing, jewelry, purses, shoes, hair style, always craving a new look. Yet, generally, life provides changes on a much larger scale, which can be challenging. With every...
For the most part, I live happily in a large life, with my energies and joys in so many areas of my personal and professional lives, yet I have worked for decades, non-stop, both through my own inner...
Grief is like this. I was only half-listening to a song on the radio, yet a wave of sadness overcame me for the loss of my father. The song had nothing to do with my dad nor my mood, as I was content...
For me, red is passion, energy, fun, excitement. My red blazer immediately infuses me with inner warmth and joy. “That’s a good color on you.” This accurate remark emphasizes the vitality behind the c...
In the month of June, we celebrate Father’s Day, which provides me another opportunity to reflect on my own role as a parent. Of all my roles—daughter, sister, wife, friend, professor—the most profoun...
My mother never worked outside the home, and at that time many women were not encouraged to do so. She had the same limited expectations for her daughter, but she never took into consideration that we...
In my younger years, I focused on unimportant issues, punctuated by worry and anxiety. My perfectionist attitude and fear of making mistakes forced me to assure everything was in order, often making u...
I now have officially become someone who looks good ‘for my age,’ or so I have been told, which is another sign of aging. People don’t make such a comment unless you are old. They also say that 60 is...
No mother, no parent, can prepare for the tormented experience of the death of a child let alone begin to heal, even slightly, without help. Like many children born to fill a void in a family, I grew...