- By Sarah Varcas
Welcome to one of the most powerful months of 2015! With two eclipses, one occurring at a Super Moon, Mercury turning retrograde, Saturn entering Sagittarius, Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn and Venus completing its retrograde journey through Leo, there’s something for everyone and not a dull moment!
Energy and its flow is being unconsciously experienced by everyone, all of the time. We are all surrounded and impacted by the action and movement of energy twenty-four hours a day. When the hair raises a bit on your arms upon entering a room, you are experiencing the residual electromagnetic energy of an event that occurred there, or of a person who was once in that place.
The universal language of creation is symbols and images. Dreams and drawings can reveal psychic and somatic information about our past, present, and future. I was a nonbeliever until I did some drawings for Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and was amazed at what they revealed about my life.
- By Sarah Varcas
‘Gently does it’ is probably the best advice for the coming month, not to be confused with ‘don’t do anything’, which is most definitely not! There’s much to be done throughout August, as we initiate action on some of our recent plans, remedying a lack of earth energy since mid May. August may begin to feel like something of a ‘back down to earth with a bump’ month!
- By Sarah Varcas
Venus in Leo is flamboyant and demonstrative, passionate and radiant, but in the subtle shaping hands of Virgo she knows that the most reliable self-confidence is born of detailed self-knowledge: familiarity with the twists and turns of one’s psyche and their influence upon our well-being and relationships. When retrograde, Venus reveals the underbelly of those relationships...
- By Sarah Varcas
The energy of the coming month is hard to pin down. Just when we feel we’ve ‘got’ what’s needed and know how to proceed it will slip through our fingers and we’ll be left wondering what just happened. By the end of July, we may well have come by the desired clarity, just not via the anticipated route!
- By Sarah Varcas
The month ahead comes with a fluid and creative underlying energy, gentle yet powerful, bringing to mind deep currents beneath a still surface. It’s time to embrace our creativity whatever that means for us. We don’t have to be Picasso or Beethoven to do this. No ‘talent’ is needed, no standards to be met.
- By Sarah Varcas
Mercury stationed retrograde at 1:44 am GMT on 19th May 2015, and remains in its own sign, Gemini, throughout its retrograde passage. Practically speaking, this is an inquisitive Mercury, seeking information and answers, reviewing events of the past three months, wondering about relationships and connections with others and generally taking stock and sorting through unfinished business. It efficiently clears the decks of outstanding matters, enabling positive progress in the months to come.
- By Sarah Varcas
May 2015 raises the issue of relationship: with ourselves, each other and our environment both near and far. We simply cannot go it alone, is the basic message of this month, nor can we expect others to do it for us. It is time to take full responsibility for ourselves whilst simultaneously recognising that we do nothing in isolation.
- By Nora Caron
Ever since I was young, I loved going to bed at night. I couldn't wait to drop off into deep sleep and experiment the massively expansive world of dreaming and wake up the next day with revelations and important messages from beyond. I started a dream notebook...
- By Sarah Varcas
Many people have been shaken awake, forced to confront themselves and their lives, the consequences of choices previously made and the impact of living a half-life in the shadows of possibility for so long. It has been a time of both trauma and ecstasy, challenge and liberation. The initiation into the Aquarian Age has well and truly begun.
Human beings are information seekers. We are constantly taking in details – big and small – from our environment. But the majority of the stuff we encounter in a given day we rarely need to remember. For instance, what are the chances that you need to remember where you ate lunch with a friend last Wednesday?
- By Sarah Varcas
This month’s astrology has the feel of Fresher’s Week at university, when arriving students are oriented to their new life. Choices abound and the air is heavy with potential and possibility. Excitement is everywhere, fuelled by a new-found freedom alongside anxiety, homesickness and sometimes a hefty dose of fear. We are those students and life the university.
Standing before a universe filled with matter, material scientists face the eternal mystery of explaining where all this stuff came from. We face no comparable mystery, however, over whether the mind has the ability to conjure up a three-dimensional world during dreams and hallucinations. In our world, we know dreams are possible.
- By Sarah Varcas
Throughout March the vestiges of the past arise once more for our attention. This is a month of tying up loose ends, the completion of lengthy processes and the review of progress thus far. This is how the universe works. We are initiated into the new even as we then face once more the old.
Some of the most challenging times in life can also turn out to be the most amazing opportunities. That has been my experience. We are given challenges to allow us to grow on our path to awareness, and we are also given opportunities to let others help us along the way.
- By Sarah Varcas
You may be wondering what sign this New Moon is in and what’s a Black Moon? Answering the second question is easier than the first: a Black Moon is the second New Moon during the Sun’s journey through a single zodiac sign (known as a ‘solar month’). The answer to the first question is a little more complex...
- By Sarah Varcas
February looks set to be one of the most powerful months of the year. The change demanded by the burgeoning Aquarian Age blows apart preconceptions and prejudices, challenges long held notions of right and wrong and upholds Truth with a capital ‘T’ in the face of half truths, deceptions and lies so cosy and familiar we barely know they’re there...
- By Sarah Varcas
There is nowhere to hide as Mercury journeys retrograde in the coming weeks. Deceptions large and small will be revealed whether we like it or not, not to destroy those who perpetuate them (which we all do to some extent) but to provide a wake-up call...
- By Sarah Varcas
This month we must look around with fresh eyes at those aspects of our lives we know best – be they physical possessions, thoughts, feelings or attachments – to establish which have outlived their usefulness...
- By Sarah Varcas
This month begins with an opportunity to look after each other and recognise the vulnerability of our shared humanity. We all have our own personal battles to fight, our fears and anxieties, shame and grief. No one is immune to these fundamental challenges...
- By Nora Caron
"It’s a procedure, a simple procedure which takes time and effort. I’ve been working on this ever since I was very young. I won’t tell you all the formula, but the first step is to turn off your inner dialogue, you know, the little voices in your head.”
- By Sarah Varcas
In November, Pluto aligns with Uranus and Chiron for a relationship which continues until February 2015. This alignment points a way through challenges and out the other side. It invites us to actively engage with any areas of struggle in our lives now and to do so with a wholehearted commitment to...