Polarized, compartmentalized reality has us viewing ourselves as separate, not subject to the same laws, and forever alone. This leaves us vulnerable to a consumer-driven society. Anything that promises to relieve the illusion of unbearable aloneness and self-denial becomes extremely desirable, so much so that many of us will gladly mortgage our future for the promise of a moment's relief. This is the pain and suffering we have come to accept as reality.
People commented on our laughs and even suggested we record them. When people were around either one of us, they just had to laugh. We researched laughter, presented talks at health shows, went to humor workshops and conferences. We were inspired by Dr. Madan Kataria, who founded the laughter clubs in India.
You might think of courage and honesty as lofty ideals, almost impossible to attain. What happens if, instead, you regard them as everyday virtues that will help you keep your heart open? To keep your heart open, you must be honest about everything, even your simplest experiences.
The future, with all its upheavals, may seem chaotic and threatening, but it is also in our hands. We create the future—each one of us—in how we live our lives and with the choices we make. With hope and inspiration as a catalyst, we can act to help mend, restore, and transform our world.
I want you to throw away your preconceived notions of fear, along with any particular opinions of anxiety and its causes. In doing so, in opening your mind and your spirit to what might be an entirely new way of thinking and of being, you will embark upon the most challenging, illuminating, and richly satisfying journey of your life.
- By Alan Watts
Love and fear or like and dislike, a pair of opposites, are mutually essential components of the faculty of feeling, for who does not fear neither loves nor feels. But note the term original fear. Man’s difficulty is that his fear is seldom original; it is once or many times removed from originality, being not just simple fear but the fear of being afraid.
- By Marc Allen
We know the universe is vast, beyond our abilities to conceive. We can see how abundant nature is. Yet many of us believe that resources are scarce, and there isn't enough to go around. This belief, like all others, is not true in itself, but becomes...
- By Samuel Mann
In recent years LGBT+ rights have improved dramatically. Same-sex marriage is now legally performed and recognised in 28 countries.
I know what it’s like to live my life on that runaway train. One day I’m nervous about a deadline. Then I meet the deadline, everyone’s happy with my work, and I’m immediately anxious about money . . . or a conversation I need to have . . . or a hundred other things that are waiting in the wings to keep me in a constant state of anxiety.
The ability to manifest your vision for ultimate health and happiness is one of the most overlooked tools in creating permanent change. Most of us stopped using our imaginations a long time ago and have become ignorant to the power that lies within us, the power to shape our reality.
- By Ora Nadrich
Just because some inner voice in your head tells you that you are unworthy, unlovable, a loser, or whatever mean “sandbox name” it wants to call you, it doesn’t mean that it’s a fact or even based in reality. You have the power to challenge and change a negative thought always, as harsh or brutal as it may be.
- By Rima Basu
If we’re the kind of people who care both about not being racist, and also about basing our beliefs on the evidence that we have, then the world presents us with a challenge.
New Zealand will release its first well-being budget this week, based on a suite of measures that track how New Zealanders are doing, including how happy they are.
What happens when you bring a group of older residents to mix with young children in childcare?
We stand at the precipice of a remarkable adventure—the adventure of human evolution. We may have been here before but never in recorded history and never exactly like this. By simply being alive during these potent times, we have become the chosen ones to steward an entirely new way of being.
We keep compulsively trying to control everything all around us to protect our fragile biological bodies…too often without the slightest sense of awareness that there exists within us a vast, subjective realm of eternal wisdom, filled with boundless creative capacity, that longs to...
- By Alan Seale
To just say, “You have to open your heart!” can be perceived by many people as overly simplistic, naïve, and disconnected from reality. It can be interpreted as a feel-good-warm-and-fuzzy approach that has no substance. And it can give the impression that you are in denial of the magnitude of what is happening.
Work hard, become successful, then you’ll be happy. At least, that’s what many of us were taught by our parents, teachers and peers.
As long as we choose to see certain events as the measuring stick for our lives, we have no real chance of changing. As long as we view it this way, we will be trapped by our perceptions of the past, and our lives will endlessly repeat the same types of things over and over again until...
- By Louise Hay
Many people say they cannot enjoy today because of something that happened in the past. By holding on to the past, no matter what it was or how awful it was, we are only hurting ourselves by refusing to live in this moment to the fullest...
- By Barbel Mohr
Following is a list of tips, bits of advice, and wise sayings or excerpts, including fragments of spiritual knowledge, spiritual laws, and laws of fate.
- By Manvir Singh
Aka Manai explains that there are two kinds of people in the world: simata and sikerei.
Within a 20-minute walk from Notre Dame Cathedral, in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, is the oldest house in the city: the house of Nicolas Flamel.