- By Jim Erickson
Spending just 20 minutes in nature can significantly lower stress hormone levels, researchers say.
In some respects cancer is to industrialized countries today what tuberculosis was to the 18th and 19th century: a major cause of death and misery which defeats the best efforts of conventional medicine. Then, as now, all of the emphasis was on removing the manifestation of the disease and not on enhancing the patient's ability to overcome it.
Aerosols are the tiny floating pieces of pollution that make up Los Angeles’ famous smog, the dust particles you see floating in a ray of sunshine and also the small droplets of liquid that escape your mouth when you talk, cough or breathe.
My first thoughts were that I was going crazy. I was sure of it. After all, what else could possibly be causing the sudden and unexpected onset of memory lapses, anxiety, depression, night sweats, and phobia attacks that had completely turned my life upside down? My initial visits with my internist had turned up nothing, further convincing me that I was losing my mind...
Has this ever happened to you? You’re eating a delicious ice cream cone or frozen lemonade, so cold and sweet and suddenly, bam, brain freeze! What happened?
- By Andrew Scott
After we eat, the body converts carbohydrates into blood sugar (known as glucose), which it uses for energy. But the ketogenic diet is based on research from the 1920s that found lowering the availability of carbohydrates made the body rely more on using other substances (such as fat) for energy.
Sugar is not only something that sweetens our food. It is also something that is an essential part of the proteins that make up our bodies.
A bit of stress is a normal part of our daily lives, which can even be good for us. Overcoming stressful events can make us more resilient.
Since the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), there have been widespread claims on social media that certain foods and supplements can prevent or cure COVID-19.
- By Qingshan Liu
According to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, anger damages the liver, too much joy and laughter damage the heart, too much thinking and reflection affect the spleen and stomach, too much sadness and weeping affect the lungs, and anxiety damages the kidneys. This theory corresponds to a psychosomatic explanation of the change in organs, and the origin of disease.
When I first laid on a Pilates mat after twenty years of not dancing or doing any sort of physical activity with the exception of walking, surprising and volatile emotions surged up. The first emotion was denial -- I don't need this, I have managed for years without structured exercise. Then there was a deep releasing of regret and grief
Pickling foods in vinegar or fermenting them in brine is one of the oldest food preservation methods. The earliest archeological evidence comes from Ancient Mesopotania and the Tigris River Valley more than 4,000 years ago.
There is probably only one consensus regarding modern health care: The system is in crisis. The crisis lies not in the need for more or cheaper doctors and drugs, but in the flawed precepts of modern medicine. It is this deep conceptual fault that is challenging both our financial and physical well-being.
- By Eric Stann
There are things you can do to make sure the food you’re eating during the COVID-19 pandemic is safe and to limit waste, experts say.
- By Karen Downes
Knowledge has been handed down through the ages regarding the contributions that essential oils can make in our lives. Some of the stories originated in our grandmothers' tales, some were told by wise sages, while others were revealed by those deeply in touch with the plants. Essential oils are established and revered as a reliable and resourceful healing modality.
Spending a lot more time in your house doesn’t have to make you any less curious about the world around you.
With streets deserted, hospitals full and morgues struggling to cope with the number of bodies, it isn’t surprising that some people are making comparisons with the apocalypse.
As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, it has become clear that people need to understand basic facts about SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, to make informed health care and public policy decisions.
It’s August and 38C outside a greenhouse on a fruit farm in suburban Nanjing, China. Inside the farmhouse, customers sample organic grapes and peaches.
- By Alexis Brink
Though the Art of Jin Shin bears some similarities to acupuncture, the practice achieves its transformative results without needles, using only a gentle touch—a methodology that translates very nicely to self-care. All you need in order to get started are your fingers and hands, and a little bit of time and patience.
Our ancestors were extremely awe-inspiring in the ways they incorporated essential oils into not just healing and saving lives, but in every aspect of their daily routines and healing methods. Herbs, plants, and the oils derived from them, were the main components of healing in every culture on earth for hundreds of thousands of years.
Fitbit recently released data showing a global decrease in physical activity levels among users of its activity trackers compared to the same time last year.
Following the emergence and rapid spread of COVID-19, several countries have succeeded in bringing local outbreaks under control.