What separates people who ultimately succeed from those who fail is simply a larger number of tries and a willingness to keep failing. People succeed because they have an increased tolerance for failure, paradoxically suffering even more failures than people who don't succeed...
An extremely important concept that few realize or believe is that anybody can be a winner, although not everybody is. It is a fact that winning in the overall "game" of life does not require that you...
Vince Lombardi emphasized: "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are much more important than the events that occur." For those who contend that de-emphasizing winning may lead to a losing attitude, the annals of Olympic lore are full of passages from champions who argue the contrary...
General George S. Patton said, “Success is how high you bounce after you’ve hit bottom.” An important key for recovery from fear and worry is to practice, practice, practice, with patience and perseverance. The point is to get going and to set small, realistic goals. Small successes are wonderful stepping stones...
- By Bob Doyle
The Law of Attraction isn’t a “tool.” It’s not a personal development technique. The Law of Attraction is a principle of physics that explains how Energy works — more specifically, how energy “attracts” and “repels.”
Maggie struggled between two options: either commit to her professional life or commit to her personal life. The stress of it all often made her want to just give up and quit everything. She thought choosing between them was the only way to save her sanity...
Herman Hesse once wrote that wisdom, when spoken aloud, always sounds a little bit foolish. Perhaps that's because when we hear something that makes sense to us, we think we already know it. But often we don't. At least not in a way that matters...
Here is a program for realizing abundant prosperity in your life and affairs. According to the mystical Christian principles, on which this program is based, it takes 40 days for consciousness to realize a truth...
To succeed in a career you have to climb up the well-defined rungs of a "corporate ladder": up, up, up, until — nope, just up. The corporate ladder is a wonderfully clear visual — it's also the epitome of inflexibility...
- By James Allen
Thoughts, words, and acts are seeds sown, and by the inviolable law of things, they produce the kind of life they promise. Those who sow wrong thoughts and deeds and then pray that God will bless them are in the position of a farmer who...
- By Alan Cohen
One of the ways to recognize your talent and passion is to consider what other people have criticized you for. I had heard, “What you thought was wrong with you may be what’s right with you,” but the idea of using criticism as a compass to greatness...
Success is attaining your goals in all aspects of your life, not just in your finances or career. "Follow out these principles of action and you cannot fail to get what you want; for the universe is so constructed that all things must work together for your good."
- By Eric Meltzer
Too many people think you need permission to learn something or that difficult things have to be learned in school. However, the prevalence of this attitude is much lower among entrepreneurs than practically any other group. Hopefully by explaining alternative strategies for learning I can help...
Why do so many brave people, having failed in their marriage, their job or some other undertaking, fall into the same behaviour patterns, meet the same types of people and relive the same unhappy experiences? They do this in spite of displaying resources of willpower, creative visualisation or positive thinking...
- By Alan Cohen
Do you need any person, object, or ideology to give you a sense of self-worth? Does your experience of validation come from others, or yourself? If you know your worth, you do not need other people to affirm it. If you do not recognize your worth, all the...
- By Alan Cohen
"The newspaper did a survey asking highly successful people which came first: happiness or success? Sixty-three percent said they were successful because they were happy. Thirty-seven percent said they were happy because they were successful." Hmmmm...
- By Eric Maisel
A great deal of the anxiety we experience is anticipatory. Carefully preparing for situations that provoke anxiety in you is the key to reducing this kind of anxiety. If public speaking makes you anxious and you’re about to give interviews, preparing answers beforehand will help...
"Marcelle, that's a boy's name," the kids in the schoolyard would often tease. As for any child, this kind of mockery really hurt. I remember coming home one day with tears streaming down my face...
Many people say that they would love to help others in need but can’t because they have to get through their own personal crisis/situation first. How can I give to others when I don’t have much myself? Once they are taken care of, then they will help others. Sorry; that’s not how it works...
Inability to ask is usually rooted in your own imagined unworthiness, fear of losing independence, and specter of being dependent on others. My own discomfort and hesitancy about asking disturbed my comfort zone and led me to soul-searching the truth that we are...
What is it you want more than anything else in the world? Ask yourself and answer truthfully. Answer as if it was the night before Christmas and you were a little kid and could have whatever you wished for. Take out a piece of paper and write down your...
Edwin C. Barnes’ desire was not a hope! It was not a wish! It was a keen, pulsating desire, which transcended everything else. It was definite. It had been Barnes’ dominating desire for a long time. In the beginning, it may have...
People who do not succeed have one distinguishing trait in common. They know all the reasons for failure, and have what they believe to be airtight alibis to explain away their own lack of achievement. As you read the list, examine...