- By Marja Norris
Women are imbued with the powers of relationships, mindfulness, and inspiring trust. While we don't think these are a big deal because they come as second nature, they're foreign to most of our male coworkers.
We're all born with a spark, and then life piles on. But it's possible to clear off the muck so you can shine brilliantly again. Through incremental and attainable steps, you can reignite that flame within you that has dimmed over the years.
I started this journey feeling that miracles were rare and wonderful events. I felt mostly that we prayed for them and, if deemed worthy of such grace, a miracle might descend upon us. I now feel that we swim in a sea of constant miracles. They abound with such great frequency that...
We spend large portions of our lives at work, preparing for work, and commuting. Work is, therefore, a major preoccupation at every possible level. Even so, many people complain bitterly about their jobs. "It's just a paycheck." "It's what I do until I retire."
False success means abandoning what is in your heart for the lure of money and security. When we primarily strive for more and more money or possessions, we will never get enough to satisfy. Whatever we gain in material success will never be enough, because these desires for "more" arise from...
When Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe argued that the real source of workers’ unhappiness was an unwillingness to lobby for higher wages, he overlooked a key tenet of negotiation:
It has been said that even before you ask it is given unto you. It has also been said that if you ask, it shall be given unto you. Do you catch that? Asking is not begging. You do not beg the Source, for it is already given to you even before you ask. Begging and wanting simply give you a lack of that for which you beg and yearn.
Frequently, people experience unexplained behavior that some would describe as self-sabotage. It’s like having in your subconscious mind a little gremlin who is very mischievous. Every once in a while, he does something odd — usually at an inappropriate time — over which you seem to have no control. At least that’s...
“Take care” or “Be careful.” Obviously, your friends and family care about you and are expressing a desire that you be safe. But the general idea imparted by such phrases is, “Hey, it’s dangerous out there. Look out! Keep your head up and watch out for bad stuff..."
To ignite awareness of the possibilities inherent in the situation we need to say yes to something big that moves our attention forward, and then, take the next step nearest in. The next step nearest in is the one closest to you, often the one that takes the most courage.
Nine years ago, I started living a more bountiful life by working less, earning less, and spending less. I started by going to my employer’s human resources department to ask if I might take a significant pay cut.
- By Alan Seale
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.
Think about your life exactly as it is, and do an honest evaluation. Are you happy with the way your life is going right now? Do you like the way you live? Do you get up feeling excited about the day and grateful to be in your experience? Are you happy with the way...
Getting a lot done each day is about more than just having the right productivity tools and setup. It’s about taking care of your body and mind, and this starts even outside of the workplace.
Female entrepreneurs report feeling pressure to conduct business online in a traditionally feminine way, a new study suggests.
A distinctive, learning-filled life results from a succession of small, specific choices made each day. There's a world of difference between imagining such a fulfilling life and actually living it. It is through taking new actions that we learn to awaken and...
Springtime brings many things, from proverbial showers to birds chirping and warmer weather.
I was one of those considered lucky enough to be “good at languages” and I studied three: French, German and Spanish. Like me though, I imagine you can remember friends who froze at the thought of speaking a second language in class.
The spiritual law of giving is that you get what you give and reap what you sow. You attract more of what you give, so it's imperative to give from a place of the purest intentions. If you are anything like I was...
Dining out frequently can make it harder to control a food budget, new research suggests.
Up to 95% of employees in our study put their own interests before those of their employer.
- By Joel Fotinos
Do ever feel stuck or unsure what to do next? All of us have felt that feeling, of not being sure what to do next. Whether it is feeling unsure what to do next for the day, or what to do next in life, confusion about “next steps” can leave us feeling stagnant, confused, frustrated, or even depressed. I’ve found that when...
- By Bob Doyle
Did you ever have the experience of seeing a movie for which you had a very similar or even exact idea? Did you ever think of an invention, and then a year or so later, that exact invention came out, created by someone else?