comic graffiti in Islanbul
Image by Engin Akyurt.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of being mindful of your fears (today and every day).

Comment from Marie:
Being mindful, being present, being in the moment... all these things simply mean having our attention on where we are and what we are doing... rather than our mind tripping around in memories of the past (whether imagined or real), and/or imaginings or fears of the future.

The key to inner peace and feeling safe and secure is to focus on the present moment and be aware of what actually is taking place in the moment... not based on memories, assumptions, or fears. Dropping the ruminations of the fear-based-mind is a great liberator.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

October 10, 2024

The focus for today is:

I feel confident to face my fears,
and become more mindful of my reactions. 

Today's inspiration was written by Denise Mange:

To walk securely in the world, we must move beyond viewing it as a perilous place and find ways to ground ourselves in feelings of safety. Just like our pets when they face an unexpected trigger, like a skateboard across the street or another dog rounding a corner, we can misconstrue something unexpected to be a severe threat.

When stuck in a disempowering mindset, we may perceive something minor as an existential threat, leading to anxiety and exacerbated reactions to triggers. But when we feel confident to face our fears, we can be more mindful of our reactions. 

How do you react to fear and lack of control? Realize that the feeling of safety and security is a multifaceted element that influences every aspect of your life, from relationships to job security. By focusing on feeling safe and secure in another area of your life, you can parlay that energy to address broader life challenges.

CONTINUE READING: Read the complete article here.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:

Pet Behavior and You: What Your Dog Is Telling You About You

by Denise Mange.
Read the complete article here.

The focus for today: I feel confident to face my fears, and become more mindful of my reactions.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

 * * *

RELATED BOOK: Translating Your Pet's Behavior

Translating Your Pet's Behavior: A Mindful Approach to Dog Training
by Denise Mange.

book cover of: Translating Your Pet's Behavior by Denise Mange.After working with hundreds of clients, certified dog trainer and animal communicator Denise Mange developed a proven methodology revealing the ways our actions, beliefs, and patterns affect our pets to help you create lasting change and powerful transformation not only in your dog’s behavior but in your own life as well.

This comprehensive resource is perfect for puppy training, helping rescue dogs adapt to a new home, providing comfort for senior pets, or simply engaging long-time companions in new ways.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo of Denise MangeDenise Mange is a certified dog trainer, animal communicator, pet numerologist, and founder of Pet Prana®. Her mindful approach to pet training combines traditional training with energetic considerations of pet guardianship. She has been featured in publications and media outlets worldwide, cementing her reputation as a pioneer in the field of mindful pet training. Her new book, Translating Your Pet’s Behavior: Learn What Their Behavior Says About You to Train Smarter, Not Harderis a #1 bestseller in its category on Amazon. Learn more at