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Article Summary: Energetic pollution, an often overlooked environmental issue, has significant effects on human health and well-being. From pioneering research by Professor Joie Jones to the development of subtle energy healing techniques, this article delves into the science and methods of combating energetic pollution. It highlights the importance of energetically clean environments and the potential of subtle energy to enhance healing processes. Discover how the unseen forces of energetic pollution and subtle energy are influencing our health and the implications for future medical and scientific practices.

What Is Energetic Pollution and How Is It Bad for Your Health?

by Yury Kronn, Ph.D.

Today, we know that pathogenic bacteria can cause many diseases. Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek discovered the existence of microorganisms in the 1670s, and he suggested they could be a cause of disease. However, it took two hundred years for medical science to accept this reality. It only happened in the 1870s, when British surgeon Joseph Lister developed practical methods for the sanitation of health care facilities.

Ultimately, the researchers Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch were able to persuade medical science that microorganisms could be a cause of disease and a source of contagion. In the two centuries between the discovery of Van Leeuwenhoek and the research of Pasteur and Koch, there were several scientists—among them Richard Bradley in the 1720s and Agostino Bassi in the 1810s—who presented serious experimental proof of the theory, but the medical community remained deaf to their voices.

This story illustrates how rigid dominating scientific paradigms can be.

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The Discovery of Subtle Energy

The discovery we are facing today—subtle energy—is even more invisible than the harmful microorganisms that needed the invention of the microscope to be discovered and observed. However, the phenomenon is likely even more significant for our understanding of how environmental conditions can influence our health, the success or failure of various healing modalities, and the causes of diseases.

Frontier science has provided rigorous experimental evidence of the existence of the effects of subtle energy on various strata of the physical world. Research has been done that demonstrates subtle energy’s influences on human well-being and physiology.

Subtle energy, just like any energy in the universe, can have positive or negative effects. It is with this understanding that the extensive research of Professor Joie Jones becomes highly relevant. Working at the University of California, Irvine, in the mid-1990s,Professor Jones began a long-term study to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the healing technique called pranic healing.

For more than a decade, Jones used rigorous mainstream scientific methods to investigate possible meditation effects of pranic healing on human cells that had been subjected to gamma radiation. He chose human HeLa cells for the study, since radiation survival rates are well known for such cells, and the laboratory model he used is well established for radiation effects studies.

Jones describes pranic healing as follows:

Pranic healing is a so-called biofield therapy established in China thousands of years ago, but rediscovered and reformulated in recent times by Master Mei Ling (sixth century AD) and Master Choa Kok Sui (twentieth century AD). Pranic healing is a type of “subtle energy” medicine in which the practitioners believe they are able to tap into what is termed “prana” or “chi,” the “universal force,” or“life force,” and to use this “energy” to promote or enhance healing. Here “energy” is used metaphorically for processes we do not fully understand that seem to involve interactions above and beyond conventional energy.

The goal of the pranic healers involved in Jones’s study was to alter the effects of radiation and enhance the survival rates of the cells. In his presentation to the Seventh Pranic Healers’ Convention in Mumbai in 2006, Jones described the outcome of his experiment.

In 520 experiments using 10 different pranic healers, typical survival rates increased from an expected 50 percent* for untreated cells to over 90 percent for cells treated both before and after radiation. The distance between the healer and the cells proved unimportant. Shielding the cells and the healer from electromagnetic radiation, including gamma rays, had no effect on the results. Four experiments involving groups of pranic healers suggest that group healing enhances the desired effect.

This research experimentally demonstrates the capability of subtle energy to reverse the detrimental physical damage to human cells. It also confirms the ability of the human mind to program subtle energy actions.

Energetically Clean or Dirty Environments

Jones made another significant observation during the course of his research: he found that the healing effects produced by the pranic healers were dramatically different when conducted in energetically clean versus energetically dirty environments; in clean environments, the success rate was much higher.

Jones’s results mark the first scientific research with human cells that clearly demonstrates the damaging effect of energetic pollution on the healing process. It would be logical to assume that what applies to single cells also applies to a complex system of cells: the human body.

In other words, the research of Jones indicates a sensitivity of the human body to energetic conditions in the environment. For example, an environment that is energetically dirty will tend to weaken a person’s health and well-being (for example, due to the presence of chaotic energy originating from various technological or environmental processes or residuals from interpersonal conflict or suffering). Conversely, the health and well-being of people will likely be more robust in energetically clean environments.

If this is true, we may also expect to see negative influences of energetic pollution on any healing modality or procedure. We should expect its effectiveness to diminish, slow down, or both.

The results of Jones’s experiments raise some important questions—with huge implications—in all areas of the health sciences. Certainly, medical clinics, surgical rooms, emergency rooms, psychiatric hospitals, and the like all contain energetic pollution. They all have, energetically speaking, something in common with the dirty lab where Jones conducted his experiments.

Cleaning Polluted Health Care Environments

The possible presence of energetic pollution in potentially all health care environments leads to two questions: First, is it feasible to counteract the negative impact of energetic pollution on the healing process? And, second, is there any way to clean an energetically polluted environment?

When I first met Professor Jones in 2001 at the Society for Scientific Exploration conference in La Jolla, California, we discussed these questions. I suggested that we set up a series of experiments using the subtle energy patterns technologically generated with Vital Force Technology (VFT).

Jones understood the advantages of using technology in experiments with subtle energy to support both repeatability and standardized experimental conditions. He decided to test energetic patterns developed with the help of VFT. After several years of periodically repeated tests of VFT energy patterns, he made the following statement:

I first encountered Dr. Kronn and his Vital Force Technology (VFT) in 2001 and was intrigued by his concepts and the VFT energetic patterns. Since then, I conducted a series of experiments with Vital Force formula... I found, using functional MRI, that when the acupoint BL67 was topically infused with a specific VFT formula excitation of the visual cortex occurred, similar to that produced by an acupuncture needle. These results suggest that the nature of subtle energy generated by VFT is similar to that of the energy referred to as “chi” in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Experiments with HeLa cells in culture subjected to gamma radiation showed that introducing cell compatible liquids (such as Ringer’s solution) infused with VFT formulas specifically developed for cell rejuvenation increased the cell survival rate from an expected 50 to about 88 percent. These experiments suggest that Vital Force Technology could produce profound effects on biological systems and has enormous potential . . . to provide a firm scientific basis for Subtle Energy research and reveals new ways of integrating ancient Eastern Medicine with Western science.

In his first experiments with the VFT energetic patterns, Professor Jones determined the energy pattern that provided the biggest increase of the survival rate of the damaged HeLa cells.

Just as it was found in the pranic experiments of Jones, the success rate—that is, the number of petri dishes with an increased survival rate—highly depended on the quality of the laboratory environment of the study. Energetically polluted environments clearly have a tremendous effect on the experiments.

Energetic pollution literally obstructs the capability of the energy pattern–infused solution to increase the survival rate of cells subjected to gamma radiation. This fact was observed no matter how the healing energy was applied, whether by healers or through technological infusion. The fact that the subtle energy pattern generated by VFT equipment was much stronger than when projected by a pranic healer made no difference; it did not override the negative effects of the energetic pollution on the healing process.

Protection the Healing Action of Subtle Energy

These results inspired us to conduct additional experiments aimed at finding ways to protect the healing action of the subtle energy pattern infused into a Ringer’s solution of several salts dissolved in water used for growing cells. In 2006, we set up an experiment aimed at finding a way to counteract the negative effect of energetic pollution in order to create conditions where the healing power of subtle energy could be observed consistently and in any laboratory. An additional goal of our experiments was to shed some light on the energetic mechanisms of the human mind’s power of intent.

The energy patterns intended to fight energetic pollution were created by pranic healers and subsequently recorded and produced by VFT. Each pranic healer concentrated his or her power of intentfor ten to fifteen minutes on a bottle of concentrated trace minerals solution in water. Energy patterns of this solution were copied, using VFT, thereby producing a new protective energy pattern. The presence of this energy pattern dramatically increased the number of successful experiments.

After the success of creating a protective energy pattern, we attempted to create a cleansing pattern that could energetically clean laboratories. Utilizing the same protocol we used for the creation of the protective subtle energy pattern, we made a cleansing energetic pattern. In our experiment, after twenty minutes of energetic cleansing of the lab space, we observed an increase of successful experiments in a dirty lab from 0 percent to 68 percent. The results indicate that we may conclude that the frontier science technology of programming subtle energy patterns is capable of sufficiently counteracting the negative effects of energetic pollution.

Subtle Energy Cleanses Energetic Pollution

Given the results obtained from these studies, we developed a spray infused with the cleansing subtle energy pattern as a simpler means of application to cleanse energetic pollution in a wide variety of spaces. The first clinical observations of the result of cleaning an energetic environment using the spray aptly called Clean Sweep were made by Marrongelle. He reported that, after spraying Clean Sweep around his patients, he observed positive changes in their ANS responses, which he measured using HRV testing.

In chronically ill people, who are typically overly sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, he observed a drop in the elevated heart rate of up to 20 beats per minute and a decrease in the sympathetic nervous system response up to 1.5 deviations toward normal. Even in people with no chronic conditions, Dr. Marrongelle observed that the spray had a calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system up to 1.5 deviations and improved a number of physical fitness parameters.

These results demonstrate the necessity for further research to see how cleansing an environment of energetic pollution will influence the results of various healing modalities. In recent years, positive clinical results have been reported regarding the use of this energy cleansing spray in business offices, veterinarian hospitals, and research labs in which animal experiments are regularly performed. These results indicate its efficacy as an energetic pollution cleanser. The findings of this research hold important implications for the study and practice of subtle energy medicine in a wide range of facilities, including hospitals, hotels, industrial and manufacturing plants, and factories.


  • An energetically polluted environment significantly diminishes the healing effect of subtle energy.

  • Special protective and cleansing energies are able to dramatically increase healing effects. This suggests a new method for improving the effectiveness of various healing modalities.

  • Energetic environmental pollution might affect not only the effectiveness of healing but also the outcome of scientific experiments, especially in vitro experiments when cells are directly exposed to the influence of the immediate environment.

  • Using specific subtle energy patterns created for cleansing any dirty energy present within a laboratory’s or research facility’s space might significantly diminish the possible distorting effects of the pollution.

  • The outcome of scientific experiments may be altered not only by technologically created environmental pollution but also by the energy of people participating in the experiment (for example, contravening or upset emotions, physically unhealthy people, and the like).

  • Given that research in this area is in its infant stage, any new studies or experiments shedding light on this subject would be highly desirable.

Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission of Park Street Press,
an imprint of the publishing house, Inner Traditions Intl.

Article Source:

BOOK: The Science of Subtle Energy

The Science of Subtle Energy: The Healing Power of Dark Matter
by Yury Kronn, with Jurriann Kamp

Sharing the results of his rigorous, repeatable, and predictable experiments with subtle energy, the author looks at the possible mechanisms of subtle energy’s interaction with physical matter and with the human body. He shows how the mind interacts with matter by means of subtle energy—giving us the key to understanding the placebo effect and extrasensory perception as well as the healing power of affirmations and energy medicine.

Kronn demonstrates how it’s possible to harness subtle energy and explains his development of Vital Force Technology, which integrates ancient knowledge of the life force with modern technology to generate specific subtle energy formulations for practical applications. He presents his experimental results creating subtle energy formulas to positively influence the germination of seeds and the growth of plants. He also demonstrates the possibility of using subtle energy for creating clean and energetic-pollution-free environments for vitality and better healing.

Outlining the many benefits of subtle energy technology to individuals, societies, and the planet as a whole, Kronn reveals how the transformative power of subtle energy arises from the vast potential of human consciousness.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here Also available as an Audiobook and as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

Yury Kronn, Ph.D. (1935-2021), was a world-renowned scientist, inventor, and leading theoretician in physics. He earned his doctorate at Russia’s prestigious Gorky University and was awarded a Doctor of Sciences degree by Lebedev Physical Institute of Moscow. The coauthor of Resonant Nonlinear Interactions of Light with Matter, as well as the author of more than 80 scientific articles, he was involved in subtle energy physics research for the last 30 years of his life.

Visit the Author's Website:


Article Recap:

Energetic pollution can significantly impact health and the effectiveness of healing modalities. Research shows that subtle energy, both positive and negative, influences human well-being. Studies by Professor Joie Jones reveal that pranic healing and Vital Force Technology can counteract the effects of energetic pollution, improving cell survival rates and overall health. Cleaning energetic environments is essential for optimal health outcomes and scientific accuracy. Further research is needed to explore these findings and develop practical applications.