CBS South Carolina Debate

How boring was it? John Huntsman made the most sense. Maybe it was because the candidates hardly had time to get to South Carolina from the last debate. I hardly had time to rake my leaves. It was so boring even the CBS affiliates signed off early. Seriously, a lot of them apparently signed off early.

This debate was about foreign policy and the mood of the debate was more serious than all the Texas shucking and jiving in the last debate. Really no Daily Show or Letterman moments.

This was billed as the Commander In Chief Debate, and frankly none cut a military leadership type presence -- but the military is ruled by civilians I suppose. Most of the candidates agreed one one thing: Obama is doing everything all wrong and THEY would do it right. I can fault The President on many things, but his foreign policy is hard to argue against given his current success. But if Iran blows up we might have to think again.

Notable Statements from the Field

When Michele Bachmann bluntly said that she would allow water-boarding, the crowd cheered. But then when Ron Paul said that he would not, they also cheered. Ron Paul went on to ask why we should torture 100 people when perhaps only one might have the information that we wanted.

Romney, when asked about assassination of American citizens indicated that he favored it when it was about war. Gingrich went on to say that only a Presidential review was good enough for him to assassinate citizens. If they are elected, I guess you will not only have a speedy execution but no trial. Only Ron Paul resisted the crowd pleasing warmonger stance by pleading that the US should follow the rule of law.

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Romney: "China is stealing our jobs." Frankly he is starting to make as much sense as Perry.

Bachmann indicates she would totally dismantle LBJ Great Society policies. Presumably that means Medicare, Medicaid, Education funding. Food Stamp Program, consumer protection, safety standards, and assistance to the handicapped among other things.

I get the feeling actually the candidates know little about foreign policy or are poorly informed.. Paul, Bachmann, and Santorum seem to have the best grasp of reality and that would seem appropriate given their access to government briefings. The real news out of this debate is "Romney seems to only draw yawns." And of course, there was Herman "I Know Nothing" Cain in attendance.

Other Opinions On The Debate

Bachmann: Be more like China, end ‘Great Society’ programs - Raw Story

Here is an excellent article by the Mother Jones news team:
Scenes from the GOP's "Commander in Chief" Debate

And from the Washington Post:
Who bent the truth in GOP debate?


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