- By Happy Ali
There is wisdom beyond what our five senses perceive. By tapping into our subconscious and higher consciousness, we unlock a vast well of guidance, intelligence, and understanding. This article explores how to connect with your inner knowing, embrace the oneness of existence, and move beyond a limited perspective to gain clarity, transformation, and deep insight into the true nature of reality. Also presents The Tree Analogy, an amazing way of seeing the connectedness of all life.
Explore the profound emotional and psychological impacts on heart transplant recipients in "Heart Transplants: Memories of the Dead Live On." This article uncovers cases where recipients experienced changes in preferences and memories, suggesting a deep emotional connection carried by the heart. Learn about the scientific and anecdotal evidence supporting these experiences and the implications for our understanding of memory and identity.
- By Ren Hurst
Dive into the story of a profound intuitive connection with a Huskie, exploring the challenges and revelations of understanding canine behavior. This personal journey highlights the unique bond formed through intuition and the insights gained into the nature of dogs, offering lessons on relationship building and mutual understanding.
Discover the top 10 ways that block you from connecting with your spiritual guides and how to overcome those blocks. Open your heart to signs and synchronicities, and receive the messages you need to navigate your life path successfully.
- By Kim Chestney
Guiding forces and signs from the universe shape our life's journey. Discover how to recognize and interpret these cosmic signals, leading to a more meaningful and enlightened existence. Your intuition and the quantum field provide the guidance needed to navigate your path.
We are all psychic. Whether you believe it or not, we are all born with intuitive senses, and they are as innate within us as our other physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual senses.
Throughout my life, I've developed several helpful ways to enhance my ability to see Signs, interpret them, and take action. I've found these to be quite helpful to open, reopen, or keep open, my senses, so I can receive the Signs around me.
- By Kim Chestney
The existence of a personally accessible, collective cosmic memory bank has been proposed not just by scientists and mystics but also by philosophers, biologists, and psychologists around the world.
The ancient Egyptian goddess of the sky and how I used modern astronomy to explore her link with the Milky Way.
- By Kim Chestney
Imagine that you are one of the many seekers and free-spirited adventurers playing your part in the greatest investigation of all time: the quest to understand what we are all doing here in this world.
One of the biggest blocks to empathy is a fear of being vulnerable and then overwhelmed. It either seems too painful or unsafe to lovingly explore your own emotions or that you risk getting burned out by other people’s problems, dramas, and needs.
Imagination may, of course, add great beauty, hope, and inspiration to cultures. But, a mental mode of living, which distorts or oppresses the core values of the social brain, may sadly corrupt and undermine society.
- By Nicole Goott
The five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space are easily recognizable as forces existing around us all the time. The five elements exist not only around us in the Natural world but also within us, in both physical and metaphysical terms.
With direct experience, we set aside concepts, beliefs, habits, and cultural conditioning. We set aside the known in favor of sensing. We feel into What Is. Attention redirects to any of the five senses and to the inner senses.
- By Mark Ireland
Boxed-in thinking is rooted in a materialistic worldview known as “scientism” which dominates much of our society’s vision of reality and progress.
- By Lisa Campion
Psychic ability conjures up a lot of different images in people’s minds. Chances are good that we have seen portrayals of psychics on TV and in movies that stick in our minds as truth, but they might actually be more of the Hollywood variety.
We all are feeling beings who have the gift of empathy to be able to connect with other sentient life. Empathy is the ability to share, understand, or feel another’s emotion and what they may be feeling or experiencing from within the other being’s frame of reference.
Have you ever had that weird feeling that you’ve experienced the same exact situation before, even though that’s impossible? Sometimes it can even seem like you’re reliving something that already happened.
I have gradually learned to listen to Joyce's intuitive feelings. Sometimes I don't like them, because they go against my desires.
- By Lisa Campion
In all the readings that I have done over the years, I have never met anyone that didn’t have a whole team of guides with them.
- By Lisa Campion
One way to learn how to trust our psychic hits is by using a pendulum. Pendulums are great tools for confirming or denying a psychic hit.
- By Brian Smith
We are bombarded with a need to immediately react or complete tasks—sometimes consciously but more often subconsciously.
Since her death on March 9, 2023, celebrities and clients have been paying tribute to Margaret Ann Lake, better known by her stage name “Mystic Meg”. In a career spanning five decades, Mystic Meg went from writing horoscopes to predicting winners on the live National Lottery broadcast from 1994 to 2000.