Reflecting on America’s values, history, and freedoms, author Lyle Greenfield emphasizes the importance of restoring our national unity. By examining how attitude changes and gratitude can rebuild our belief in the American spirit, the article urges us to take responsibility for our country’s future with respect and love.
18 compelling reasons why Donald Trump should not be re-elected. Learn about the dangers and consequences of another Trump presidency.
- By Debbie Milam
Each and every moment we are given the wonderful gift of free will to make choices. These choices can be as simple as choosing what to wear or what to eat. Personal choices rarely affect another person. Then there are choices that affect our planet. Choices like...
Shortly after Abraham Lincoln was elected on Nov. 6, 1860, a woman from Alabama, Sarah Espy, documented her concerns in her diary.
- By Peggy Nash
In the United States, polls are pointing to a Joe Biden, Kamala Harris win on Tuesday. Media pundits are unusually cautious about polls and projections about the election outcome
As the US presidential election polling day draws close, it’s worth recapping what we know about how Facebook has been used to influence election results.
Today, in October 2020, the horrific situation in the US is breaking my heart... the divisiveness, the lack of basic respect and common decency, the breakdown of basic democratic principles and institutions... all of which is making almost any kind of civilized political debate impossible... well it just breaks my heart.
The U.S. Postal Service implemented operational changes earlier this year that led to a sharp increase in delayed mail, raising concerns about the election as record numbers of Americans vote by mail this year due to the pandemic.
- By Suze Wilson
The recent reelection of the Jacinda Ardern-led Labour government in New Zealand offers leaders elsewhere a potent lesson about how best to respond to COVID-19. Saving lives is, not surprisingly, a real vote-winner.
Many voters who want to participate in the election by mail are concerned about when they’ll receive their ballot – and whether it will get back in time to be counted.
As America chaotically careens toward election day with President Donald Trump fighting a COVID-19 infection, we should stop and ask: Just why and how do Trump’s words work?
When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016, every politically aware progressive American came to understand that there was a crisis in American politics like never before. But if you are a student of history or if you cared deeply for progressivity in your country, you could have predicted this crisis three decades ago,...
When Americans go to the polls on Nov. 3, 2020, they will either re-elect President Donald Trump or vote in the Democratic nominee, former vice-president Joe Biden.
The 2020 US presidential election campaign is moving quickly and the news media are valiantly struggling to keep abreast of what’s happening.
Current polling suggests that the majority of those eligible to cast a ballot intend to vote. But a chunk of the electorate won’t – in 2016, around 100 million potential voters decided against registering their vote.
Trump’s election campaign wanted to deter millions of Black Americans from voting in 2016. The ‘Deterrence’ project can be revealed after Channel 4 News obtained the database used by Trump's digital campaign team.
Have you registered to vote? Have you voted? If you are not going to vote, you will be part of the problem.
In the 2000 U.S. presidential election, changing just 269 votes in Florida from George W. Bush to Al Gore would have changed the outcome of the entire national election.
In 2016, Russia managed to penetrate systems in several states but there’s no evidence that they “pulled the trigger” to take advantage of their penetration.
Voter fraud is very rare, whether people vote in person or by mail. That much is clear from a large body of research.
Oregon voters have long cast their ballots by mail in many types of elections, including for local, state and federal offices. They started doing so in 1987 – and have voted exclusively by mail in all elections since 1998.
“Kia ora, everyone. I’m standing against a blank wall in my house – because it’s the only view in my house that is not messy.”
Regardless of content, context, or audience, political ads do little to persuade voters, according to a new study.